About Dr. Christos Michaelides
After having graduated both Dental and Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and recited the relevant Oath in November 1985 and November 1988 respectively Dr Michaelides was granted the title of General Surgeon in 1994 by the Greek Board of Examination. Having passed the Final Specialty’s Board Examination and having fulfilled the relevant training at University College London Hospitals and at the Maxillofacial Surgery Unit of the Aristotle University, he was accredited as Oral/Maxillofacial Surgeon in 2000.


Three-year post-graduate fellowship in Oral Surgery held by the Dentistry School of the Aristotle University in Greece and graduated the Medical School of the same University in November, 1988

Residency in General Surgery (The surgical training at Evangelismos General Hospital, in Athens included three months full time academic involvement and hands-on training in Intensive Care Medicine, under Prof Ch.Roussos )

Attended the rotation-training-program in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the U.C.L. Hospitals to include: Eastman Dental Hospital, Middlesex Hospital and Maxillofacial Unit of U.C.H. as well as the Great Ormond street Hospital for children, under Prof. M. Harris. Visiting Registrar appointment at Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit of Canniesburn Hospital, Glasgow, under Mr Soutar. During the above appointments he successfully attended the A.T.L.S and A.L.S courses held by the U.C.H. in London as well as the Canniesburn Flap course.

One year training as an experienced Senior Resident at the Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery Unit of Aristotle University in Greece under Prof. D.Karakasis.

Oral/Maxillofacial Surgeon at Nicosia and Limassol General Hospital

2005- 2017
Consultant Oral/Maxillofacial Surgeon at YGIA Private Hospital, Limassol and between

2012 - 2016
Had the exclusive responsibility for the O.M.F.S. British Forces patients in Cyprus as a subcontractor- Consultant of the above Hospital
Teaching Experience
Participated in the hands-on training of the final year Dental Students during his postgraduate fellowship at the Oral Surgery Department of the Aristotle University. Moreover, as a Chief Resident of the Surgical Department at Evaggelismos Hospital was responsible for the teaching sessions of the Surgical Residents. During his training at the U.C.H hospital in London was involved in the preparation of the audit meetings and presentation of cases of Clinicopathological interest at the Mortimer Market Seminar Room on weekly basis. Lecturer at Medical School Nicosia University for the T-year students of St George’s University – London Medical Program since 2014
Administrative Experience
As a Chief Resident in Gen. Surgery was responsible for the weekly meetings to which the Resident Surgical doctors presented topics of interest to the Surgical and I.T.U. medical personnel. Additionally, he arranged the audit and staff meetings as well as the department’s Operating lists. During his appointment as a Specialist Maxillofacial Surgeon at the Limassol General Hospital was responsible of the Maxillofacial Unit and the emergency Head/Neck cases on Pancyprian basis for a fortnight each month.

Cyprus Medical Association
Reg.no: 2396

Cyprus Dental Association
Reg.no 472

Hellenic Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Hellenic Association of Gen. Surgeons
Reg.no: 192, 2000

European Association of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeons

Head and Neck Optical Diagnostics Society, U.K